The idea for PLOW127 was born when Ira and Susan Galloway went on a trip to the Ugandan bush region in 2013. They were overwhelmed by the extreme and unimaginable poverty they encountered, but were even more heartbroken to discover that there were generations of villages that had never heard of the name of Jesus. They knew they needed to act but the efforts they encountered only seemed to foster dependence on organizations which in turn continues the cycle of poverty. They were compelled to meet the need in a different way by developing a model of moving entire villages from: Dependence, Interdependence, Independence, to Abundance. To ensure the sustainability and reproducibility of the programs they seek to equip, train, and mobilize indigenous people. In 2014 PLOW127 became a 501C-3. By 2017 they were officially recognized in Uganda as a NGO (Non-Governmental Organization).
They are regularly in Uganda overseeing projects, equipping training and mobilizing indigenous people. They also take groups and individuals to Uganda to share their vision for ministry and explore ways partners with them.

Our mission is simple; to fulfill James 1:27.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27
PRAYING - Pray: that we might fulfill James 1:27, the people of Uganda, and how you can be a part of this.
GIVING - All of our projects need financial support to see them become a reality. We are a 501(C)3 so anything you give is tax deductible.
GOING - If you are interested in going on one of our trips we would love to give you more information.
SHARING - Share what we are doing with those who will listen. Our hope is that the more people hear - the more we can do.
Email - plow127@yahoo.com
Phone - (850) 559-3070